In a circular dated 7.10.2008, our umbrella organisation, the Council of Bureaux, informed us that as of 1.1.2009, Russia (identification code: RUS / Office: RAMI) is to be admitted to the CoB as a transitory member (i.e. its membership status will be under observation). The majority of the EEA offices (+CH/FL) have resolved to sign the Internal Regulations (IR) with RUS.
The NBI has meanwhile signed the IR with the RAMI accordingly. As a result, Swiss motor insurers (Schweizer Motorfahrzeughaftpflicht-Versicherer - MFHV) will be able to provide cover for RUS commencing on 1.1.09 (facultative scope of coverage, cf. Art. 63 (2) SVG/LCR), and green cards from RUS territory can / must be covered by CH and FL. In fact, as an EEA member state, FL is part of the indivisible EU/EEA motor vehicle liability insurance coverage area and cannot therefore be deleted from the RUS green card. Ergo the same applies to CH (customs union CH/FL). Conversely, RUS may be deleted on CH green cards (in the event that cover is not granted).
The NBI has yet to inform its member associations about the new green card 2009, which includes RUS. The new green card (new model as of 1.1.09, but only obligatory as of 1.1.2011) still has to be ratified by UNO/ECE at the end of October. Consequently, the announced circular is expected to appear in November. The implementation period for introducing the new green card, which must display the identification code RUS (possibly deleted) even if possibly deleted for individual insurance-related purposes, will last from 1.1.09 - 31.12.2010.